Sunday, August 10, 2008

Brian Head 08'

Frog Hiked For Hours, She Could Not Get Enough of Duck Creek
The Frog With Her Fly New Camel Back

Up at Brian Head Listening to a Band (I of course told the Frog she was never allowed to date a guy in a band)

Great Driver
Dad, Sienna, and I at Cedar Breaks

My Dad and I at Pups Cabin in Duck Creek

Just Finished Dark Hallow (glad to have knocked the dust of the KHS)

Megan at the Start of Dark Hollow

Back home after an amazing weekend up at Duck Creek/Brian Head, UT. First off huge thanks to Pup and Nicole for letting us use the cabin. We got up to Duck Creek on Friday night and it was good to be up in the Mountains. The frog was on cloud nine, she could not get enough of the out doors. After a solid stake dinner and a serious game of harts we called it a night. Saturday Megan and I went down to Brian Head to ride Dark Hollow. It was a great ride and I did not break anything on my KHS this year (last year I broke my chain and ripped of my derailer) and Megan and I came out alive with only getting lost once. On the way back we stopped by a bike shop and picked up a tiny Camel Back for the Frog. She not only loves it, but now she is drinking so much water that her diapers weigh about 10 pounds! We had pizza and watched a band play down at Brian Head. We spent the rest of the day back at the cabin hiking around and exploring. Sienna saw a deer which she called a, "cow" and started Mooing! I kid you not , she loved hiking around so much we had to take turns watching her till the sun went down. She is one serious hiker! All and all it was an amazing time.

Who is the man who would give his life for a brother?

The answer to that question would be.....Shaft! Today we lost a pioneer in the world 100% deep fried soul funk. Isaac Hayes a.ka. the Black Moses passed leaving a void in the gritty world of soul. The dude not only was the pimp chef on South Park (I salute his song about Kathy Lee Gifford) but a academy award winning artist (that would be for Shaft). Sin City bids farewell to Mr. Hayes a true soldier of the funk.

The Frogs 2nd Camp out

A few weeks back we loaded up the family and with some great friends of ours headed up to Macks Canyon (about a 5 mile drive on a logging road from Lee Canyon). It was the Frogs second camp out and she was a champ. It got down into the 60's and we about froze to death (I now how Beck Weathers felt when he was left on Everest), but the frog did great. She was a serious champ. Good times where had, massive amounts of food were consumed, and 1,600 b.b.'s were shot (is there anything better then a BB gun?).


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