Wednesday, January 14, 2009

2008 The Year I Almost Died At Quiznos

I have been thinking allot about the past year and everything that has gone down. I must say 2008 treated me well, except for one day at Quiznos. So most of you who know me are well aware that I am a magnet for random crazy things (that includes people on airplanes having combat flashbacks, not kidding) I assure you this story is no different. In February of last year after a full morning of sales calls a supplier and I decided to stop at Quiznos and get some food. So I sit down to my toasted sub and soup and begin to eat. As I am sitting there my buddy gets up to use the bathroom and I continue putting down by broccoli cheddar. Out of the corner of my eye I see a car pulling into the parking spot, and I think to my self, "if I were her this is point where I would slow down and stop." The moment that thought ended I saw my table fly across the restaurant and dry wall go everywhere. As I stared at the front end of the car 3 feet away from me (spoon still full of soup in this moment) the only thing that crossed my mind was, "Holy S%$#." As everyone else ran out of the restaurant I sat there thinking I almost died at Quiznos. Now a honey bacon turkey is good, but not worth checking out for. Moral of the story-glad I did not die, but you never know when its coming so you better make the best of it. Oh, and never sit next to the wall if it buts up to parking spots!


Jan said...

Oh my word. Besides being glad you are OK, the other thought I had is that I wish I was there to hear you tell about this in person!!


Dan said...

Holy crap!

kmon said...

Best story I've heard in a while. Glad you didn't die and at least you saw the car coming. I can say I will always remember this tale as I order my Chicken Carborana.


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