Saturday, July 12, 2008

Jackson Hole

I have not ended my coverage of Costa Rica, I am just changing it up today. Between the 3rd and the 4th of July we were in Costa Rica, Florida, Vegas, Denver, and Jackson Hole, WY. We headed up to cowboy country to celebrate my Dad's seventieth birthday with my family and pick up the Frog. As we were descending into Jackson we got stuck in the air for 20 minutes because the Vice President was landing. It was really cool to get out of the airplane and see Air force two on the runway. On the ground at the airport we were reunited with the Frog, and man it was good to see her. We really missed that little kid, and talked about her the whole trip. Jackson does the 4th of July right, fully equipped with Rodeo and all. This is a video I shot while watching the bull riders. Although this guy gets worked, he is able to walk away. These guys have some serious cahones to ride a bull, if I tried that I am fairly certain in would take me a week to get out of bed.


Jan said...

It's amazing how much you miss the little munchkins when you get a break -- so glad you got to take a break and so glad you got your little one back!

kmon said...

God's country. They do it right in JH.


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