Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Surfing and Getting the Beat Down Costa Rica Style

As Greg Allman would say went, "South Bound" to Malpies for a bit of surfing. Well to be honest it was more like some sort of gitmo water board torture (good times none the less). Ryker and I gave it our best and managed to get up on a few waves, and managed to get worked by even more. After about an hour I felt like I had been ritualistically beaten, so I turned to board over to my wife (who is still has remnants of salt water coming out of her nose to this day) who gave it her best, but the waves were a bit to big for all of us. After our near drowning we hiking up and down the beach and ate pizza at great little beach side restaurant. Costa Rica is so untouched! If this beach was in the U.S. there would be hotels on every square inch of it. Maybe we will give it all up and build a shack on the beach?


Jan said...

These are spectacular clips -- so fun to see where you have been and what it's like there. And I loved hearing both your voices! Such an adventure for you guys!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps WE should plan a vacation? Surfing? Yes Please...


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